Saturday, May 5, 2012


Nothing puts a smile on my face like meeting people who have not only established themselves to the world, but know how to have a good time! Before I embarked on a train voyage to the South of France, I met up with a fellow UC student, Amanda, for aperitivo with her parents.

For those of you who don't know, aperitivo is a typical Milanese custom that began to take shape over the 1920's. It was created as a tactic by local bars to bring in business, while getting the party started just a little earlier than usual. Long story short, it's the Italian version of happy hour, plus plates of food....

Translated as appetizer, aperitivo is a chance for exchange students (particularly Americans) to slightly take advantage of this tradition, and utilize the 10 euro entry as a chance to enjoy a nice cocktail, while succumbing to the endless buffet. This time I was heading to a beautiful venue located along the Navigli, otherwise knows as the canals in Milan.

Bobino is most commonly known as a club, however, before the clock strikes midnight the stage is filled with tables and sofas, reserved for the more serious customers. Needless to say it was Amanda's parents last night out, we were seated up in VIP, and they wanted to go out with a bang. What better way to live up your last night in Milan than with mojitos! Or shall I say mojito? Not sure whose genius idea it was, but we ended up ordering a Grande Mojito...that is 15 liters of pure citrusy, sugary mayhem.

It soon became apparent that this was not just any occasion, but a time to celebrate! I mean.... the drink did come fully equipped with a good 25 straws and sparklers for each and every one of us.......

Don't worry though, despite all the colorful straws, slices of lime, and crazy fireworks, we still managed to keep it classy and ended the night with a trip to Michelle's house for fresh pasta marinara. Everyone got home safe, and with the exception of Luis' delayed trip to Copenhagen, Bobino was possibly the best way to commence our 5 day weekend, courtesy of Italian's national holiday.

Gotta love partying with the parents.

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