Thursday, April 26, 2012

BUDA LOVINNN... Budapest '12

I would have to cast Budapest as possibly the most underrated place I have ever been to. The city is located within the borders of Hungary and is separated into two districts. That of Buda - the historically rich center located on one side of the Danube River, Buda is fully intact with castles and an incredible view of the Parliament; and Pest - the more industrious, bustling sector that comprises about two-thirds of the city's territory.

Budapest truly was the best way to celebrate the commencement of Spring Break, and after a beautiful night of jamming out on my friends Travis and Sheret's patio, we packed our bags and head out early in the morning.

It's hard for me to describe in detail the beauty of my experience, the city was a whirlwind of amazing moments spent with some of the coolest people I know. In order to give you all a better of understanding of the trip, my friend, future entrepreneur, and fellow hall-mate Van Michael composed a video of our time spent in Budapest. The video begins with my partner in crime Colleen walking up the stairway to the Goat Hostel and continues with a series of footage: bathing in the legendary baths of Budapest, dancing in front of monuments, getting down in the open markets, singing our hearts out at the top of Pest and much more.

Unfortunately the video is too large to upload directly to this blog post so in order to access it you can find it through this link:

Well, have a look for yourself, turn up the volume and enjoy ...

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