Sunday, February 19, 2012

Il Primo Post

Well it is about time I inform you all of the beauty behind Milano. It has officially been a month since I've moved to Italy, and I will say that every day has been a new adventure. In the hopes of maintaining organization, the stories will be split into a few quick segments.

I. Intensive Language Program (ILP)
Arriving as early as I had in Milan, the UC's required students to enroll into an Intensive Language Program. As a UC representative, we are actually extremely lucky to have the opportunity to participate with FREE enrollment. The price ranged around 100 to 150 euros and lasted for approximately 3 weeks. Despite my personal record of already taking two quarters of Italian at UCSB, I still tested in beginners... but regardless, the ability to learn a language in class and actually utilize what you are learning in your everyday life is a true privilege, and now I can officially muster up the ability to have a relatively decent conversation with the locals.  In addition, getting the extra month in Italy allowed me to expand my understanding of the Italian customs and especially delve into the depths of the beautiful city of Milan, a place of excitement, adventure and...SNOW!

II. Day Travels - Venice and Verona
Now I am not too sure if you all are familiar with the University I am attending here in Milan. It is called the University of Commerce, Luigi Bocconi and is a prestigious international institution, renowned for educating famous professionals all throughout Italy. Since it attracts students from all over the world, there is a program called ESN - Exchange Student Network and it is comprised of all the exchange students. The head coordinators arrange dinners, day trips and focus on their mission statement which is to bring everyone together in the hopes of promoting networking and friendships.

When we took a day trip to Venice, the ESN crew took us under their wings and brought us to a beautiful Italian lunch.

The picture below overlooks the famous canals of Venezia.
Oh, and did I forget to mention it was Carnivale? Just saying "Ciao" with a few Teletubbies we found.

A couple of the girls living in my residence got in the spirit as well. It was a beautiful day and culminated with us sipping on wine and taking in the beautiful sights of Venice.

Now for Verona, the city of Romeo, Juliet, and LOVE...

Speaking of which, directly above is a picture of Juliet's balcony.

Did I mention that I have a weakness for pizza...

Oh, and as I casually strolled through the town with my good friends Asma and Ellen, the three of us stumbled across a castle. We decided to walk through a garden, up a brick bridge and to our surprise we got to witness this beautiful view at the top.